Angel Eye CCFL and LED Halo Rings for Headlight & Tailight Lenses
Angel Eye CCFL and LED Halo Rings for Headlight & Tailight Lenses
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Delphi Aptiv Packard 56 Series 2-Pin Female Pigtail Connector with Wires

  • Pigtail Connector with Wires,,02973872,,Packard, Delphi, Aptiv ,56 Series,,black,02973872,,,GM, Chevrolet, Chrysler Pigtail Connector with Wires,sliding image alt tag
    Female Pigtail Connector Plug, Socket, 2Pin, 02973872,,Packard, Delphi, Aptiv ,56 Series,,black,,GM, Chevrolet, Chrysler

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Delphi Aptiv Packard 56 Series 2-Pin Female Pigtail Connector with Wires
$15.99 ea
Product Code: Delphi-Series56-2PIN-Female-0018
Availability: In stock
Enter Quantity
Additional Information
Manufacturer Packard, Delphi, Aptiv
Type 56 Series
Number of Terminals, Wires, Ways 2
Wire Gauge 6"
Wire Length 6 Inch (150mm)
Terminal Gender Female
Makes & Models Used On: GM, Chevrolet, Chrysler & Others
Applications ,,,& Others
Terminal PN
Grommet PN
Seal PN